The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development renewed its partnership with the Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health on October 30, 2024. The new five year memorandum of understanding continues to promote opportunities for research, evaluation, and knowledge mobilization among students and faculty members in the School and across the university.
The Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health is an organization focused on improving health outcomes in rural communities. Gateway leads research, education, and the implementation of innovative healthcare practices tailored to the specific needs of rural communities. Gateway collaborates with various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, local governments, community organizations, and universities to address health disparities and enhance access to care in rural areas.
Over the past years, SEDRD students and faculty have partnered on multiple research initiatives with Gateway. One illustration of this engagement is the Gateway Lecture Series. Check out previous Gateway lectures involving SEDRD students, alumni, and faculty.
- Philanthropy, Wealth, and Prosperity with Prof. Ryan Gibson
- Healthy Rural Communities with Prof. Wayne Caldwell
- Rural Precarious Employment and Well-Being with Prof. Al Lauzon
- Gateway CERH’s Interactive Timeline with Dr. Scott Brown (PhD in Rural Studies graduate)
- COVID-19 and the Importance of Local Data with Prof. Leith Deacon
- G.R.E.A.T. Local Food – Exploring Huron County’s Food Landscape with Prof. Al Lauzon
- The Cost of Caring – Consequences of the Pandemic for Rural Healthcare with Casandra Bryant (PhD in Rural Studies candidate) and Prof. Leith Deacon
- Disruption & the Workforce – Experiences of Employees & Employers During Covid with Prof. Leith Deacon and Casandra Bryant (PhD in Rural Studies candidate)
- Rural Senior Food Security – The Case of Four Counties with Prof. Al Lauzon
- Gateway CERH – at the Intersection of Organization & Place with Dr. Scott Brown (PhD in Rural Studies graduate)
- Cultivating Memories with Sage Milne (MSc in RPD student)
- Enhancing Emergency Management in Rural Northern ON with Amanda Mongeon (PhD in Rural Studies candidate)
- A Snapshot of Early Settlement Experiences with Dr. Rana Telfah (PhD in Rural Studies graduate)
- From Aging to Eldering with Prof. Al Lauzon, Lauren Van Ewyk (PhD in Rural Studies candidate), and Amanda Mongeon (PhD in Rural Studies candidate).
Prof. Ryan Gibson is the Research Chair in Rural Economic Development with the Gateway Centre for Excellence in Rural Health.