The February 2025 newsletter contains updates to graduate students working with Prof. Gibson and recent alumni. This newsletter shares information about academic programs updates, celebrates receive achievements, profiles an RPD alumni, and share insights on upcoming events. If you have information to share in the monthly update do not hesitate to let Ryan know via email.
Congratulations to Jayden Cote for receiving Canadian Institute of Planners/L’Institut canadien des urbanistes (CIP/ICU) Student Trust Fund Award! The CIP/ICU Planning Student Trust Fund (CIP-PSTF) is the Canadian planning profession’s national charity, providing a scholarship, bursary, and award program to students in accredited planning programs in Canada. Learn more about Jayden and his interests.
Congratulations to Paul Sitsofe for successfully completing his major research paper as part of his Master of Science (Planning) degree! Paul's research paper titled "Workforce Development in Rural Ontario: An Examination of Experiences and Strategies" is now available online through the University of Guelph's Atrium. A brief overview of Paul's research can be found below:
This study examines workforce development strategies in rural Ontario to address sk
The January 2025 newsletter contains updates to graduate students working with Prof. Gibson and recent alumni. This newsletter shares information about academic programs updates, celebrates receive achievements, profiles an RPD alumni, and share insights on upcoming events. If you have information to share in the monthly update do not hesitate to let Ryan know via email.
Prof. Ryan Gibson recently delivered a presentation titled Translating Place to Wealth: Experiences from Place-Based Endowments in Rural Canada. The presentation was delivered at the Folk, Place, and Knowledge Conference in Singapore. Prof. Gibson's presentation focused on recent research in philanthropy, rural development, and wealth building. A brief description of the presentation is listed below:
Rural communities are at a critical turning p
The December 2024 newsletter contains updates to graduate students working with Prof. Gibson and recent alumni. This newsletter shares information about academic programs updates, celebrates receive achievements, profiles an RPD alumni, and share insights on upcoming events. If you have information to share in the monthly update do not hesitate to let Ryan know via email.
How effective are agricultural advisory methods in Ontario by different stakeholders? A new publication was recently released in theThe Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension examining this question. A brief description of the publication by Ataharul Chowdhury, Khondokar H. Kabir, Nasir Abbas Khan, Ryan Gibson, and Mike McMorris can be found below:
Extension and advisory services (EAS) are crucial for farm success and rural well-being in Canada
November 8 is World Town Planning Day! Planners and communities all over the world come together to celebrate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large, creating places to live, work, and play together. World Town Planning Day serves as a call to action to create inclusive, resilient spaces that meet the diverse needs of present and future generations. World Town Planning Day is celebrated in 30 countries on four continen
We are excited to announce a new funded project titled "Bridging Rural Insights: Integrating Research, Policy, and Development". The funding will support knowledge translation through the 2025 Rural Symposium and the Rural Review: Ontario Rural Planning, Development, and Policy.
The Rural Symposium is an opportunity for University of Guelph graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to showcase their rural research to Government of Ontario staff, rural co
Check out Kalind Patel's major research paper titled "Rural Broadband in Northern Ontario: Investigating the Status of Connectivity and the Role of Planners". A brief outline of Kalind's research can be found below:
This research investigates the current state of broadband internet access in Northern Ontario and explores the role of planners in facilitating its development. The motivation behind this study stems from the critical need for reliable internet