New Project – Pathways to Practice

New Project – Pathways to Practice
  We are excited to share a new knowledge translation and transfer initiative has been funded titled Pathways to Practice: Bridging Knowledge, Practitioners, and Students. The new initiative will build bridges between graduate students, rural economic development officers, and rural community leaders to connect knowledge, ideas, and networks. The project focuses on creating an in-person forum for facilitating these connections, creating a series of

Innovative Rural Approaches to Labour Force Development

Innovative Rural Approaches to Labour Force Development
Amid economic uncertainties exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ontario faces challenges in tight labour markets, high unemployment rates, and a significant skills gap, particularly in rural areas, where approximately 250,000 jobs remain unfilled. In response to these pressing issues, a research initiative has been launched to spotlight innovative workforce development strategies aimed at addressing rural labour force challenges. By conducting an online

New Report on Rural and Northern Ontario Airports

New Report on Rural and Northern Ontario Airports
The COVID-19 pandemic created fluctuations in flight service, both nationally and internationally. Over the past months, researchers have investigated the changes in scheduled flight services in rural and northern Ontario. To gain a greater depth of understanding of these changes, an inventory was created based on information collected from 66 Northern Ontario Airports. The new report creates an inventory of Northern Ontario airports. The information colle...

Navigating Rural: Place-Based Transit Solutions for Rural Canada

Navigating Rural: Place-Based Transit Solutions for Rural Canada
  Does your community have an innovative approach to transit? We are looking for examples of community bus systems, car shares, on demand transit, active transportation, and traditional public transit with a twist. Selkirk College, in partnership with the University of Guelph and Simon Fraser University, is looking for existing examples of rural communities where innovative transit solutions have been implemented. If you have an example you wish...

‘Building the Future’ Research Team Shares First-Stage Findings with OMAFRA

‘Building the Future’ Research Team Shares First-Stage Findings with OMAFRA
On January 14th, members of the 'Building the Future' research team shared the first-stage of findings from the project with staff at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs as well as others from across the Ontario Public Service. Dr. Ryan Gibson (University of Guelph), Dr. Sean Markey (Simon Fraser University), Ashleigh Weeden (PhD Candidate, University of Guelph), Melissa Visser (MSc Student, University of Guelph), Jay Maloney (MS...

Final ‘Getting to Work’ Research Reports Delivered to Town of Saugeen Shores

Final ‘Getting to Work’ Research Reports Delivered to Town of Saugeen Shores
The “Getting to Work: Investigating Labour Market Challenges in Saugeen Shores” project is now complete. This project was in partnership with the the Town of Saugeen Shores, University of Guelph, Bruce Power, and Mitacs, in order to research the specific labour market challenges in Saugeen Shores. “We are fortunate to have these partners working together to conduct research and collect data for the Town of Saugeen Shores” says Mayor Luke Charbonneau, “t...

P2P National Conference

P2P National Conference
Reflections on the 2020 Pathways to Prosperity National Conference Pathways to Prosperity held a virtual conference from 23rd November to 25th November 2020. The online conference did not compromise on anything to make it as lively as an in- person conference. There were plenaries, keynote speakers, workshops, posters, exhibitors, and networking opportunities. It was amazing to see the facilitators of every workshop considering most of the questions from

Building the Future: Municipal Survey launches at Ontario Good Roads Association Conference

Building the Future: Municipal Survey launches at Ontario Good Roads Association Conference
On February 25, 2020, in partnership with the Ontario Good Roads Association, the Building the Future research team launched a survey for rural municipal officials and staff to learn more about their experiences in planning for and connecting infrastructure initiatives and economic development strategies. Ashleigh Weeden (PhD Candidate, Rural Studies) launched the survey to a standing-room-only session of more than 75 delegates at the 2020 Ontario Good

‘Building the Future’ research initiative launches at OGRA with standing-room only workshop

‘Building the Future’ research initiative launches at OGRA with standing-room only workshop
Dr. Ryan Gibson and Ashleigh Weeden (PhD student, School of Environmental Design & Rural Development) hosted a workshop at the Ontario Good Roads Association's 2019 Conference in Toronto yesterday (February 26, 2019) to launch the "Building the Future: Rural Infrastructure & Regional Economic Development" research initiative. Over 125 delegates participated in discussions focused on the opportunities and challenges facing rural communities in ma...

Gibson and Weeden highlight rural infrastructure research initiative in OGRA Milestones magazine

Gibson and Weeden highlight rural infrastructure research initiative in   OGRA Milestones magazine
A new research initiative aimed at investigating the influence of rural communities' capacity to respond to infrastructure challenges on their immediate and long-term economic development potential is underway. Dr. Ryan Gibson is the lead investigator of the project, which includes researchers and policy experts from across Canada, including University of Guelph PhD student Ashleigh Weeden. Funded through the research partnership program between the Ont...