The “Getting to Work: Investigating Labour Market Challenges in Saugeen Shores” project is now complete. This project was in partnership with the the Town of Saugeen Shores, University of Guelph, Bruce Power, and Mitacs, in order to research the specific labour market challenges in Saugeen Shores.
“We are fortunate to have these partners working together to conduct research and collect data for the Town of Saugeen Shores” says Mayor Luke Charbonneau, “the results of this study will help us understand the labour market challenges in our community.”
The report, authored by Ph.D. candidate Ashleigh Weeden, was presented to Council on Monday, January 11. Highlights from the report include top challenges, and concerns from local employers and employees as well as recommendations for key stakeholders.
The reports can be accessed at the links below, under the ‘Getting to Work’ tab in the Project menu or by visiting www.ruraldev.ca/getting-to-work:
This project was funded through a Mitacs Accelerate Internship and directed by Dr. Ryan Gibson as part of the Libro Professorship in Regional Economic Development. To learn more about the project, please visit the ‘Getting to Work’ tab in the Project menu or visit www.ruraldev.ca/getting-to-work