How can communities build and plan for vibrant local futures? Dr. Gibson recently contributed a keynote presentation on this topic to the 2018 Inspiring Results: Working Together to Make Great Things Happen Conference in Halifax.
Regional development and planning in Canada plays host to numerous experiments and experiences towards building vibrant local futures. Rural communities and regions encounter unique challenges related to distance, space, and capacity in addition to the global trends of globalization, creative destruction, and environmental sustainability. This presentation provides an overview of key national trends impacting regional development and planning and illustrations of communities these overcoming and embracing trends to build vibrant local futures. A copy of the presentation can be found below:
The 2018 Inspiring Results: Working Together to Make Great Things Happen Conference was co-hosted by the Nova Scotia Planning Directors Association and the Licensed Professional Planners Association of Nova Scotia. Further information on the conference is available at https://www.nspda.ca/2016-conference