During the recent Vision for a Prosperous Tomorrow Conference hosted by the Ontario Good Roads Association Dr. Ryan Gibson participated in a panel discussion on local and regional economic development strategies. Dr. Gibson was joined on the panel by Kathryn Wood (Eastern Ontario Leadership Council), Elliot Siemiatycki, and Paul Ainslie (Councillor, City of Toronto).
Dr. Gibson's contribution highlighted key trends impacting current local and regional eco
Three graduate students were recently profiled by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) as emerging rural scholars! The February 2020 CRRF national newsletter highlighted the research being conducted by Victoria Agyepong, Koren Lam, and Ashleigh Weeden. The research themes are noted below:
Victoria Aygepong: Bringing People to the Centre: Governance of Digital Circular Food Economy in Non-Metro Ontario.
Koren Lam: Rural Telecommuters in
What do philanthropy, infrastructure, and rural policy have in common? These were the topics discussed by Dr. Ryan Gibson on a recent episode of "In No Particular Order" with host Peter Smith.
On February 5, 2020, Peter and Ryan discussed the future of rural communities and recent research that helps rural communities build the future they desire. The podcast features research from the rural philanthropy research, building the future - infrastructure and
Rural communities throughout Ontario are struggling with addressing both economic development and infrastructure. During the 2020 Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference Dr. Ryan Gibson participated in a panel discussion exploring the realities communities are confronted and the strategies being pursued across Ontario. The panel included Delia Reiche from the Economic Developers Council of Ontario, Kate Burns Gallager from the Western Ontario Warden
Helping Indigenous communities in Northern Ontario create comprehensive community plans is exactly the job that Shannon Labelle was searching. Shannon Labelle, a recent graduate of the Master of Science in Rural Planning and Development program at the University of Guelph, was recently interviewed in LIBRANNI. Shannon provides insights into the work she is doing with the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund. You can read about Shannon's work in Northe
The Philippines is ranked as the fifth most mineral-rich country in the world, with approximately 30 million hectares of land in the country endowed in metallic minerals, including but not limited to, gold, nickel, copper and iron ore (Lindon et al., 2013). San Roque Metals Inc. (SRMI) is a large-scale nickel mining company located within the Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridor, one of the country’s Key Biodiversity Areas in Mindanao, Philippines (Ibane...
LIBRANNI, an annual publication for alumni of the Ontario Agricultural College, recently profiled a story on regional development emerging from research conducted by University of Guelph researchers Dr. Ryan Gibson, Dr. Sarah Minnes, and Prof. David Douglas. The LIBRANNI article shares information that emerged from the recent publication called The Theory, Practice, and Potentials of Regional Development: The Case of Canada. The book highlights a
Dr. Ryan Gibson was recently appointed to the Leadership Council of the Guelph-Wellington Local Immigration Partnership. The Local Immigration Partnership is a regional collaboration of stakeholders focused on immigration attraction and integration. The Guelph-Wellington Local Immigration Partnership is responsible for bringing the Guelph and Wellington County and community stakeholders together in support of immigrant integration.
Dr. Gibson bring his ...
What are the key drivers of the economy in southwestern Ontario? What are the some of the 'myths' related to our economy? Dr. Ryan Gibson shared perspectives at the recent Libro Credit Union meeting in London, Ontario on October 29 on the economic realities. The presentation highlighted six themes: (i) workforce transitions and business succession planning, (ii) Indigenous economic contributions, (iii) uncertain international trade relationships, (iv) infr
The October newsletter of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation is hot off the press. The October newsletter contains rural development updates from across Canada and internationally, including recent updates from the 2019 Sustainable Communities Conference, new publications, and call for papers. You can read the October CRRF newsletter here.
The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) was established in 1989 to contribute to th