Philanthropy in rural communities is a powerful tool for revitalization and sustainability. On June 6, 2019, Ryan Gibson shared preliminary research findings at the All In 2019 Conference, hosted by Community Foundations of Canada.
The presentation was part of a larger discussion on rural philanthropy that explored trends, the importance of place and creative opportunities happening in rural communities. Participants worked collectively to spark new thinking through networking discussions about the vitality of rural Canada, what is possible for the future, and the leadership roles foundations can play to identify what is unique, what relationships we need to build and what else do we need to know for our investments to be one that is transformational.
Further information about the All In 2019 Conference can be found at www.communityfoundations.ca/conference-2019/. Social media posts from the event are included below.
Attending the Rural Matters session at #Allin2019 today at 3pm? Here's some reading featuring @ryanfgibson and @cindylindsay https://t.co/8pYVyegtTx
— The Philanthropist Journal (@Phil_journal) June 6, 2019
Thank you @cindylindsay & @CommFdnsCanada for deeper discussion on RURAL philanthropy at #Allin2019 !
Well done @Phil_journal for this ( @JohnLorinc ) article https://t.co/VMYa8HJQmU
We need to advance this discussion @CAGP_ACPDP @AFPIHQ @PhilanthropyCDA @ImagineCanada pic.twitter.com/dCogiygHZu
— Paul Nazareth (@UinvitedU) June 6, 2019