Provincial, territorial, and federal government representatives connected in an online meeting to share information about government approaches to rural development across Canada on June 26, 2020. During the meeting, each government shared perspectives on rural development, rural policies, rural programs, and rural priorities. The attendees perceived this discussion as a great tool to connect with other governments from across the country and they are looking forward to engage in additional meetings this year.
This was the fourth meeting organized with the provincial, territorial, and federal governments, building on discussions that took place in Guelph in 2016, Nelson in 2017, and Saskatoon in 2018. The meeting is typically held in-person at the CRRF annual conference. The meeting was convened by Ryan Gibson and Lissel Hernandez Gongora as an activity of the Making a Difference research initiative funded through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance in partnership with the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.