Congratulations to Prof. Ryan Gibson on recently being elected to the University of Guelph Senate! The University of Guelph Senate was established through the University of Guelph Act, 1964 and is responsible for academic programs, regulations and policies. The Senate is responsible for activities such as:

  • to control, regulate and determine the educational policy of the University;
  • to determine the courses of study and standards of admission to the University and continued membership therein, and qualifications for degrees and diplomas;
  • to conduct examinations and appoint examiners;
  • to deal with all matters arising in connection with the awarding of fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals, prizes and other awards;
  • to confer the degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor and all other degrees and diplomas in all branches of learning that may appropriately be conferred by a University;
  • to confer honorary degrees in any department of learning;
  • to create faculty councils or committees and committees generally to exercise its powers.

Prof. Gibson’s term will run from October 2024 to October 20227.