COVID19 and Rural Employment

COVID19 and Rural Employment
The COVID-19 global pandemic created great uncertainty for employment across Canada and internationally. News reports have noted job losses by different sectors, the unequal distribution of the impacts, and the gradual re-opening of some sectors. Victoria Agyepong, Ryan Gibson, and Ray Bollman recently published a report called "Rural Employment and Workforce Development: Impacts and Opportunities". The report takes a rural lens to understand the impac...

Rural Rebound

Rural Rebound
Rural communities have been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 global pandemic. Ryan Gibson and Lissel Hernandez participated in the Rural Rebound panel discussion organized by the Rural Ontario Institute on September 24, 2020. The discussion brought together community leaders, government, nonprofit organizations, and researchers to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on rural communities and strategies for how rural rebound. Ryan and Lissel were joined by Ray B

Supporting Rural Recovery and Resilience Online Conference

Supporting Rural Recovery and Resilience Online Conference
  COVID-19 has greatly influenced rural communities throughout Canada. To better understand the impacts, recovery strategies, and how to build long-term resilience the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation is hosting a free online conference from October 1-2, 2020. The Supporting Rural Recovery and Resilience online conference will features a series of discussions enhancing our understanding of the impact of the global pandemic on rural communit

Check out the CRRF September Newsletter

Check out the CRRF September Newsletter
  The latest newsletter from the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation is now available! The newsletter highlight rural development news, events, reports, and stories from across Canada and internationally. The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation is a national charity devoted to enhancing rural prosperity. You can receive the monthly newsletter from the Foundation for free by signing up on their website.

Provincial, Territorial and Federal Governments Met to Discuss Rural Development Approaches​

Provincial, Territorial and Federal Governments Met to Discuss Rural Development Approaches​
Provincial, territorial, and federal government representatives connected in an online meeting to share information about government approaches to rural development across Canada on June 26, 2020. During the meeting, each government shared perspectives on rural development, rural policies, rural programs, and rural priorities. The attendees perceived this discussion as a great tool to connect with other governments from across the country and they are look...

The State of Planning Programs

The State of Planning Programs
COVID-19 has created a series of uncertainties for planning programs across Ontario. On July 17, 2020 the Ontario Professional Planners Institute hosted an online webinar to discuss the state of Ontario’s planning schools during and post-COVID-19. The discussion highlighted how planning programs are adjusting the upcoming fall semester due to COVID-19, the impact to capacity and skill set development for students, and long-term strategies. The discussion f

Rethinking Infrastructure Investments: Supporting Post-Pandemic Rural Recovery and Climate Resilience through Green Infrastructure

Rethinking Infrastructure Investments: Supporting Post-Pandemic Rural Recovery and Climate Resilience through Green Infrastructure
A new publication focused on infrastructure investments to support COVID19 recovery in rural communities was released by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF). As part of CRRF's Rural Insights on COVID-19 Series, the publication examines how rural communities can employ green infrastructure to address post-pandemic recovery and climate reliance. The report emerges from the Building the Future research initiative funded through the Ontario Agr

Gibson Delivers Invited Lecture at Queen’s University

Gibson Delivers Invited Lecture at Queen’s University
  What is the nexus of regional planning and economic development? What are the key trends impacting the future of regional economic development? Dr. Ryan Gibson shared his perspectives on this nexus with students at Queen's University on March 6. The presentation outlined key trends in economic development, the role of regional planning in economic development, and highlights from current research initiatives.

New Postdoc Fellow to Examine Workforce Development in Rural Ontario

New Postdoc Fellow to Examine Workforce Development in Rural Ontario
Many rural businesses struggle to locate sufficient labour force. Many job vacancies go unfilled. How rural communities and businesses are able to attract and retain workers needed to generate economic development and vitality is a critical question. Lissel Hernandez-Gongora, a new postdoctoral fellow with the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, will examine this issue in partnership with rural communities and businesses. Over the next...