Gibson, Weeden & Furst Share Insights on Re-Imagining Evidence Based Policy at ECONOUS18 in Moncton, New Brunswick

Gibson, Weeden & Furst Share Insights on Re-Imagining Evidence Based Policy at ECONOUS18 in Moncton, New Brunswick
On September 25, 2018, Dr. Ryan Gibson (Libro Professor in Regional Economic Development, University of Guelph), Ashleigh Weeden (University of Guelph) and Bojan Furst (The Harris Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland) delivered a skill-building workshop to nearly 40 community economic development professionals from across Canada at the Canadian Community Economic Development Network's EconoUs18 conference in Moncton, New Brunswick. The workshop focu

Gibson Participates in Farm Radio Revival

Gibson Participates in Farm Radio Revival
  The Farm Radio program was revived in Blyth, Ontario during the 2018 Rural Talks 2 Rural Conference! Farm Radio Forum was a weekly CBC Radio program that aired from 1941-1965. The radio program highlighted agricultural developments, techniques, and provided education to farmers across Canada. For more information on the Farm Radio Forum visit the CBC Archives: Or

Great Contributions to the CRRF 2018 Conference

Great Contributions to the CRRF 2018 Conference
  Last week in Saskatoon rural community leaders, businesses, nonprofit organizations, governments, researchers, and students gathered to discuss rural issues at the Health and Shared Prosperity: 30th Annual Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference. The conference brought 150 rural leaders from across Canada and internationally together to discuss the future of rural issues. The School of Environmental Design and Rural Development was we

Participation at the Modelling Complex Urban Environments Conference

Participation at the Modelling Complex Urban Environments Conference
  Alex Petric (MSc, Rural Planning & Development) recently attended the Modelling Complex Urban Environments Conference at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. Held on June 21-22, 2018, this event was organized by the Waterloo Institute for Complexity & Innovation and brought together leading thinkers and researchers to discuss Big Data, Smart Cities, and methods of modelling urban environments. Though not having a major focus o...